Saturday, December 27, 2008

Photoshop Elements 7 for Windows or Microsoft Windows Vista Simplified

Photoshop Elements 7 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide (Visual QuickStart Series)

Author: Jeff Carlson

Photoshop Elements is geared for business users, students, educators, and home users who want professional-looking images for their print and Web projects, but don't want or need the advanced power of Adobe Photoshop. With Photoshop Elements 7 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide, readers can start with a tour of the interface and image-editing basics, or they can look up specific tasks to learn just what they need to know. This task-based, visual reference guide uses step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots to show readers how to capture and import photos, reduce red eye, enhance color, work with layers, and much more. New features coverage includes: applying direct effects with the Adobe Smart Brush, softening surfaces and keeping edges crisp with a new filter, and finding photos easily with keywords. Both beginning and intermediate users will find everything they need here--in straightforward language and with readily accessible examples.

Book review: Body Mind Balancing or La dieta South Beach

Microsoft Windows Vista Simplified

Author: Paul McFedries

Are you new to computers? Does new technology make you nervous? Relax! You're holding in your hands the easiest guide ever to Windows Vista - a book that skips the long-winded explanations and shows you how things work. All you have to do is open the book, follow Chip, your friendly guide - and discover just how easy it is to get up to speed.

"I just want to tell you how much I, a true beginner, really enjoy your books. I'm 51 and a long time out of the classroom, but these books make it easier for me to learn. Hats off to you for a great product."
- William K. Rodgers (Spencer, NC)
* "Simplify It" sidebars offer real-world advice
* A friendly character called Chip introduces each task
* Full-color screen shots walk you through step by step
* Self-contained, two-page lessons make learning a snap

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